Your email activity just became a little less private.
A new Chrome extension called Streak will now be able to tell you when and also where you emails were read. While this is only available for Gmail users, Streak will notify the sender when the recipient opens their email.
With Streak, an eye icon will appear when a user views an email sent with the program. The eye icon will turn green when the recipient opens the email, which notifies the sender that their email has been read. Here’s the kicker, the recipient doesn’t need to have Streak installed for the email sender to be notified that the email was opened. Streak will also put the email on a map, which shows the real-time location of where they responded.
Is it creepy? Maybe a little bit. Facebook Messages already reveals your activity, but this is definitely a big game changer for emails. It may even place a little more urgency in responding to emails for users.
Streak is free in beta and according to Mashable, the developers plan to offer a free version of the extension as it continues to grow in development. The extension is only available for Google Chrome and Safari users. Visit to install it to Gmail.
Streak is a new start-up based in San Francisco that offers a program that makes switching between your work and email a little more fluid. Streak is designed for customer relationship management, and also offers tools for sales, hiring, scheduling emails, sharing emails company-wide and much more.
What are your thoughts on the new program? Do you have plans to install it to monitor your recipient’s activity?