Until this year most social media was all about presenting a carefully edited portion of your life for semi-public consumption. Live streaming, on the other hand, is live, unedited, unpredictable raw footage, and no matter how well you plan it is more likely to appear more “true” and personal. This “insider” view provided by live…
How Brands Are Using A ‘Star Wars’ Twitter Trend for Self-Promotion
By now, the whole world knows that Star Wars: The Force Awakens opened to mega-fanfare this past weekend. The movie set a new box office record with an opening worldwide gross of $517 million. The fact of the matter is that the Star Wars franchise has been a cultural phenomenon for decades. Savvy digital marketers…
The Advanced Guide to Twitter Advertising
Do you want to become a Twitter advertising pro and get real value out of the marketing medium? In this Twitter Ads guide, I’ll go over some basics, campaign examples, and how to use the social channel in your current marketing strategy. In less than ten years Twitter has become a social media giant. Today, over 328…
Why You Should Be Using FollowerWonk for SEO and Social Media Success
First, I admit it. I often get excited about new tools. While this is the case for me, I think we should all be excited about Followerwonk. In this post, I dive into some of my favorite Followerwonk reports and talk about the value I see from a digital marketing application perspective. Reviewing Twitter Followers…
Why you are Tweeting Your Blog Posts Wrong
Twitter is a powerful tool to drive traffic to your blog posts, but simply tweeting your post isn’t enough. To see measurable results, there’s a science behind producing conversions. With Twitter reporting 271 million active users, there’s a massive landscape to promote your posts, but your tweets need a powerful punch to grab your followers’…
Ultimate Guide to On-Site Social Media Optimization
As social media continues to play an increasingly important role in marketing your business online, optimizing your social accounts is now critical to make the most of their potential. And since your website should be considered the home base of your social media strategy–the place where all of your accounts drive your customers–you want to…
The Science of a Retweet, Understand What Increases Shares
When most people think about using Twitter, they don’t tend to think in very scientific terms. Yet, the truth is, all of our following, favoriting and retweeting is more than just random social activity–there’s an actual science and psychology behind the way we tweet. And best of all, you can use this information to you…
What you Need to do on Twitter to Rank Better on Google
In 2011, Google and Twitter cut ties with the end of the Real Time Search, which caused the search engine to have to crawl Twitter to index tweets. As a result, searching Twitter from Google was left very ineffective. Since cutting ties, Twitter has been working tirelessly to improve its position in search results. Twitter’s…
2015 Social Media Prediction for Taking on the New Year
Another year has zoomed around and 2014 is coming to a close! It has been a year filled with innovative and also tough changes for marketing content on social media. What does the future hold for the ever-important social media field? Here are some of my predictions for 2015: Conversational Tone Sifting – It’s…
What Makes A Rock Star Social Media Manager
While a social media manager may not be selling out stadiums on a world tour, there are plenty of ways they can still be a rock star at their job and skip the mess of trashing hotel rooms. Given that 92% of all marketers agree that social media is important to their business, there’s no…